
Help Help Help

Ok, here it is. The proverbial blog-beginner message asking for help. Everyone does it (I think?) so I don't feel as ashamed. I have spent hours -at work, oops- trying to figure out how to make my blog look different from this cookie-cutter template Blogger provides. I'm not so pleased with the intense colors I have now, and I would like to add some images and fonts to my header. I want to create my own overall theme for the page. Any suggestions? Am I biting off more than I can chew?


Vanessa said...

There are many design firms that specialize in blog templates if you don't want to do it yourself. If you do, I say get a book from the bookstore or Amazon and just toy around with it until you find something you like.

Shandra said...

I actually like the design now, but that's probably cause I love the color pink and so the background appeals to me.
There are many other blog templates out there or websites to help you build up your webpage, but I find many of these to be generic anyways.
What I did ( not that my lay out is superb,to the contrary) was just toy around with the blogger lay out figuring out where I can add pictures, different kinds of text etc.

What I want to suggest though, since I don't see this on your page is to definitely get an RSS subscribe button! That way people can click on it and subscribe to your blog through their reader or email, it's an easier way for them to keep up with your updates.

Hope it helps,

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the suggestions y'all! I am definitly planning on heading to the bookstore for some more advice.

Pink dtiz...I think I added a RSS feed button - can you see it? And if so, does it work? I appreciate the advice!